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About us

The Tech Company Hias

Our story started with a heavily eutrophicated lake and a governmental funded action plan, «Save the lake Mjøsa» back in the 1970’s. A pillar in the NOK 1,4 billion action plan was the foundation of the utility Hias IKS and the construction of Hias WWTP in 1974. Ever since, Hias IKS has been a frontrunner among Norwegian utilities in adopting and successfully installing state of the art technology. Hias IKS co-developed and installed the first ever Cambi THP in the 1990’s and a CBG upgrade plant in the 2010’s.  When the retrofit with the Hias Process and nutrient recovery is completed in 2021, the Hias WRRF will be among the most cost-efficient, compact, circular and environmentally friendly wastewater treatment plants globally.


Hias is a trueborn child of the utility Hias IKS. Our inheritance is 40+ years of operational experience and a unique ability to develop, adapt and implement technology and concepts.

Our philosphy

Our unique team is combining 40+ years of practical experience with scientific knowledge. Our approach always involves assessment of current state of the art and testing under real operating conditions. With our Customer Focused Innovations, we develop technology and concepts with low lifetime costs and future-proof environmental footprint.


Hias is owned by 4 Norwegian municipalities and Hias IKS. Markets in focus are the Nordics, Germany and US/Canada.

We deliver


  • Meet the most stringent effluent requirements 

  • Be the most cost-effective solution for phosphorus removal 

  • Handle storm water events with biology intact 

  • Produce sludge with excellent dewatering capacity 


  • Meet the most stringent effluent requirements 

  • Be the most cost-effective solution for phosphorus removal 

  • Handle storm water events with biology intact 

  • Produce sludge with excellent dewatering capacity 

Sustainability and Circularity

  • Meet the most stringent effluent requirements 

  • Be the most cost-effective solution for phosphorus removal 

  • Handle storm water events with biology intact 

  • Produce sludge with excellent dewatering capacity 

Tollef Imsdalen.png
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Chair of the board

Tollef Imsdalen

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Member of the board

Mona Irene Larsen

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Member of the board

Knut Måløy

Board of directors

Contact us

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